
South Florida Poetry Journal (forthcoming): “After You Left” and “Ars Poetica”

Poetry Online (forthcoming): “Slow Burn”

New York Quarterly (forthcoming): “Loss”

Robert Graves Review (2024): “Controlled Burn,” “The Clash,” and “The Divertissement”

Ghost City Review (2024): “Chapter V, in Which I Lament My Breakup and Go on Grindr”

North American Review (2024): “The Ice Skater”

Cherry Tree (2024): “Riddle”

Twelve Mile Review (2024): “Rhyming Sestina”

Valparaiso Poetry Review (2023): “Tracing the Periphery”

Poets.org (2023): “The Temple in the Jungle”

Sparks of Calliope (2023): “On the Wings of a Ray” and “Life”

The Society of Classical Poets (2023): “Skyscape with Cirrus Clouds,” “The Visitation: In Memoriam,” and “Sonnet for Houston”

Across the Margin (2023): “Alcoholism” and “Consider the Fly”

Willows Wept Review (2023): “Meditation” and “Ennui”

The Westchester Review (2023): “Lines Written in an Empty Room”

Fresh Words (2023): “The Mind,” “Anxiety,” and “Suicidality”

The Metaworker Literary Magazine (2023): “Ennui”

Otoliths (2023): “The Hookup Hunt” and “For My Mother, Who Begs Me Not to Enquire Further”

As It Ought To Be (2023): “Self-Portrait as Ariel from The Tempest”

Streetlight Magazine (2023): “The Shades of My Life”

North Dakota Quarterly (2023): “The Blue and the Black” and “Percy”

Collected Winning Poems from the Poetry Society of Virginia 2022: “On a Sidewalk”

Signal Mountain Review (2022): “Hourglass,” “The Take Away,” and “A Journal of Those Times”

North of Oxford (2022): “Night Thoughts” and “Snowfall”

Door Is a Jar (2022): “Venus and Adonis”

Society of Classical Poets (2022): “As Day Transitions to Night”

Backchannels (2022): “A Night in the Study”

Cathexis Northwest Press (2022): “Sakuras”

The Broadkill Review (2022): “Failure”

Litbreak Magazine (2022): “Success,” “Failure,” “In the Realm of the Devas,” “Streetlight,” and “On that Night”

Black Fox Literary Magazine (2022): “Belle Isle,” “The Blue and the Black,” and “Having It Out with Anorexia”

The Best American Poetry Website (2021): “The Tempest”

The Best American Poetry Website (2021): “Sonnet”

Nebulous Magazine (2021): “At a Crosswalk”

The Citron Review (2021): “The Peaceable Prairie”

South Florida Poetry Journal (2021): “The Temple in the Jungle” and “The Sorcerer’s Wife” (Poems located at the bottom of the page)

Eunoia Review (2021): “The Seed”

Main Street Rag (2021): “Abecedarian”

Remington Review (2021): “The Boy and the Lake”

Serotonin (2021): “Beau Black: A Case Study”


Prose Online (forthcoming): “The Seventh Floor”

Pithead Chapel (2023): “The Weight of Emptiness”

Eunoia Review (2023): “The Hall of Mirrors: My Struggle with Schizophreniform Disorder”

Five on the Fifth (2023): Samsara

ANGLES (2021): “Richmond”

The Plentitudes (2021): “Grade School”